Space Schädel is a 4piece from Leipzig, Germany consisting of Guitar, Keyboard, Bass, Drums and Vocals. Their special mix of different genres creates intense soundscapes that take on different forms from concert to concert. Catchy melodies fuse with jazz influenced improvisation parts and strong walls of sound. Or to put it another way: Spacy spicy Indie Noise Metal Punk Pop with a certain amount of improvisation and shredding morale.
The virtuosity of the individual band members is particularly outstanding. Many of the songs offer opportunities to showcase the musicians solo skills. At times one feels reminded of bands like Yes, King Crimson, Van Halen and other groups that play a good amount of notes BUT Space Schädel never loses track of the musical arc of suspense. Sometimes it even feels like being at an 80s pop concert or a 70s era Rolling Stones situation, just to find yourself in the middle of a storm of noise in the next moment, that puts everything that happened before in the shade.